Alliance for the Separation of School & State
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The Education Liberator

Prior to the popularization of the Internet, the primary outreach and educational tool of the Alliance was a monthly publication, The Education Liberator. Because the articles and essays published in The Education Liberator remain foundational to the School Liberation movement, we've reproduced the contents of the The Education Libertator on this website.

Volume 1 (1995-96)

Number 1 (September - Premier Issue)

Small reforms, little victories by Charles Johnsen

From the Editor by Chris Cardiff

The Cement Canoe by Marshall Fritz

Edu-News Briefs

Number 2 (October)

Another disaster in education "reform" by Jackie Orsi

From the Editor: Separation Alliance advances! by Chris Cardiff

From idea to reality: Selling separation by Chris Cardiff

Grass Roots: The most powerful political communication by Jim Warren

Proclaimer Profile: Janet Martin

Edu-News Briefs

Number 3 (November)

Public education: How free? by Rolf McEwen

From the Editor by Chris Cardiff

The nine assumptions of modern schooling by John Taylor Gatto

Separation Alliance in cyberspace by Chris Cardiff

Proclaimer Profile: Candace Allen

Edu-News Briefs

Letters to the Editor

Address Quotes

Number 4 (December/January)

Why the state took control of "education" by Sheldon Richman

The KKK's attempt at thought control in Oregon schools by Jackie Orsi

Parent speaks out for educational freedom by Katharina Johnson

School Sakharovs, the Sam Adams of education reform, an erudite curmudgeon and more by Steve Smith

Proclamation Authors & Contributors

Proclaimer Profile: Chip Sills

Edu-News Briefs

Address Quotes

Number 5 (February)

The critical distinction between homeschooling & government schooling by Chris Cardiff

From the Editor: Some families aren't waiting for separation by Chris Cardiff

Practicalities of separating school & state by Marshall Fritz

Dropouts from compulsory schooling's damaging moral dualism by Jackie Orsi

Proclaimer Profile: Robyn Miller

Edu-News Briefs

Address Quotes

Volume 2 (1996-97)

Number 2 (March)

Marketplace David vs. state-ed Goliath by Eric D. Johnson

New Guy says "Hi" by Steve Smith

More practicalities of separating school & state by Marshall Fritz

School Sakharovs

Proclaimer Profile: Dr. Kevin Ryan

Edu-News Briefs

Letters to the Editor

Address Quotes

Number 3 (April)

Expanded choice, my foot! by Jack Simons

From the Editor: Don't fence us in by Steve Smith

More practicalities of separating school & state by Pam Probst

Steps that may pass the separation filter by Pam Probst

Separation on the 'Net

School Sakharovs ? Update

Proclaimer Profile: Joel Belz

Edu-News Briefs

Letters to the Editor

Address Quotes

Number 4 (May)

Should we "shogunize" the schools? by Ken Schoolland

From the Editor: The wall is cracking by Steve Smith

How I told my graduate class about separation (and survived!) by James A. Boyes

If parents controlled the schools by Ned Vare

"Project 21" leaders decry feds' education disaster

A lesson in prudence by Steve Smith

Proclaimer Profile: Eva Rosenbaum

Address Quotes

Number 5 (June)

Adventures on the road to separation by Marshall Fritz

From the Editor: Mom, apple pie, & "good schools" by Steve Smith

Lessons in preparedness by Randy Pliker

Separation entering second stage? by Susan Gaztanaga

Psssst...Wanna' see a letter from a teacher?

Separation speech provokes tears and laughter by Edi Swearingen

Just like Curious George by Marshall Fritz

Proclaimer Profile: Gertrude Zvonar

Address Quotes

Number 6 (July)

Playing at markets: Vouchers as a socialist trap by Douglas Dewey

Can you say "en"ti'"tle"ment"? by Marshall Fritz

How I found myself squirming uncomfortably in support of tax-funded education vouchers: An interview with David R. Henderson

Freedom lovers against vouchers by Marshall Fritz

Freedom lovers for tax-funded vouchers by Marshall Fritz

Practical, principled steps to Separation by Pam Probst

From the Editor by Steve Smith

Proclaimer Profile: R.C. Sproul, Jr.

Separation on the 'Net by Greg Dirasian

Number 7 (August/September)

Arguing With Jim by Lehi Sellers

Blacktop pedgogy: Lessons learned on the road by Marshall Fritz

It's time to separate school and state by Richard G. Rettig

Rosemond praises Education Liberator by John Rosemond

Famous theologians come aboard

Letters to the Editor

From the Editor: The Generational View by Steve Smith

Proclaimer Profile: Rachel Lloyd

Address Quotes

Number 8 (October)

SepCon'96: Rolling back the "Teacher-State" by Marshall Fritz

Moral absolutists stand by while kids suffer by Joseph Bast & David Harmer

Why we won't hush: A response to Bast & Harmer by Marshall Fritz

Vouchers: No, but?Taxpayer help to parents will advance Separation by David Barulich

Short takes on vouchers

Letters to the Editor

From the Editor: Weathering the Storm (Vouchers Redux) by Steve Smith

Proclaimer Profile: Leona McPherson

Address Quotes

Number 9 (November)

Voucher debate grows hotter by Steve Smith

How will we know we're winning? by Marshall Fritz

SepCon'96 excitement builds

N.E.A. to be challenged by Separation Alliance

From the Editor: "Too radical" no longer? by Steve Smith

Proclaimer Profile: Rand Kuhl

Number 10 (December/January)

SepCon'96 sets off wave of excitement by Steve Smith

Fritz flubs, makes amends by Marshall Fritz

Some thoughts on heroes (and their imperfections) by Marshall Fritz

But Uncle Thomas, where's my self-esteem module?

From the Editor: To whom it may concern?Grant us unity in separation by Steve Smith

Proclaimer Profile: Pat Lentz

Volume 3 (1997)

Number 2 (February/March)

21 ways "public schools" harm your children by R.C. Hoiles

Letter from the Director by Marshall Fritz

No more "public school" reform ? Americans need separation of school and state

Three reasons why reform can't work

A Practical Plan by Marshall Fritz

Who's responsible for children's education, their parents or the State?

Seven ways you will benefit from Separation

How Separation worked for 200 years

Our mission ? Build a constituency for Separation/Tactics

Number 3 (April)

Bringing the builders on board by Frances Eaton

"Too late to save government schooling ? Praise God!" by Bob Knipe

Prudence & the art of movement building by Steve Smith

Why "Separationist?" by Marshall Fritz

Why can't teachers & parents be allies? by Susan Mojica

It's not the children who are stupid by Ned Vare

How School-to-Work thwarts the educational purpose of "Theophiles"? by Marshall Fritz

Highlights from Marshall's recent travels?

From the Editor: Computer fetishism: Non-fix for the nineties by Steve Smith

Proclaimer Profile: Bob Knipe


Number 4 (May)

Who's in charge of Johnny's personality? by Andrew J. Peterson

Separationists pick up steam in "Live Free Or Die" state by Jack Shimek

Jack Shimek: A 'Natural' for Separation

State Chapter Roundup

Susie Tucker was 11 years old when she was violated by Marshall Fritz

From the Editor: Lessons we don't want by Steve Smith

Proclaimer Profile: Gayle Remisch


Number 5 (June)

Why Muslims need Separation of School and State by Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, Ph.D.

Can Muslim student requirements be met in government schools? by The Islamic Society of North America

Boothing Success, For All! by Marshall Fritz

Teleconferences spur ideas, foster camaraderie as chapter organizing rolls forward by John Tuttle

Bart Simpson's Punishment

From the Editor: Growing religious diversity increases need for Separation by Steve Smith

Proclaimer Profile: Hamza Yusuf Hanson

