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The Education Liberator, Vol. 1, No. 1, September 1995

Edu-News Briefs

Florida's Department of Education provides a look at the rapid growth of homeschooling through the annual homeschooling survey it conducts. Homeschool registrations increased by almost 20% last year (on top of 30% growth the year before).

The Florida Parent Educators Association noted that since the '91-'92 school year, "religious reasons" have declined as a reason to homeschool. This indicates "a demographic broadening of the flight of families from what the state's survey says they deem an unsatisfactory public system."

Some hopeful signs of a federal pullback in education are on the horizon. The House-adopted fiscal 1996 budget resolution assumes (but does not require) the elimination of three cabinet departments (including the Department of Education) and 284 programs. Dozens of the 284 programs are related to education, including:

  • Goals 2000 state and local programs
  • Goals 2000 national programs
  • Goals 2000 parental assistance

The "Parental Rights and Responsibilities Act of 1995" was introduced into both the House (HR 1946) and Senate (S 984) on June 28 and 29 respectively. The purpose of the bill is to "protect the fundamental right of a parent to direct the upbringing of a child." This fundamental right "includes, but is not limited to...directing or providing for the education of the child." The House version has 67 co-sponsors.

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