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Horror stories: Moral Safety

For some parents, the most urgent of their motives for not enrolling a child in the "local public school" is concern for the child's moral safety.

While the level of the concern certainly varies from mild at some rural and suburban schools, the concern can be quite high for parents at many of the 92,000 "public schools" in the USA.

The links below come from a variety of viewpoints. For instance, "Satan has no brakes" ties the Columbine school shooting to the lack of moral and spiritual formation of the shooters not only by their parents, but worsened by the nature of what is taught and isn't taught in today's public schools.

Satan Has No Brakes
by M. Fritz & E. Ray Moore
According to Fritz & Moore, the murderers at Columbine were evil, not insane. They invited Satan into their hearts, not God. Their government-run public schools nurtured this sin.

Government schools teach students ? for 180 days each year for 13 years ? that eternity is so unimportant that it's not worth mentioning. Schools tell students to respect everyone's truth,even if contradictory. They teach children to be true to their feelings and let those feelings out.

Government schools accelerate the failing culture in undermining Christian parents. They eradicate hope. They maximize alienation.

Police: Teen Massacre Foiled
by Dwight Ott, Patrick Kerkstra and Emilie Lounsberry
Would Matthew Lovett reach such a deep state of despair if he had been homeschooled, or had attended a Jewish, Protestant, Catholic, or secular day school? We think not.

The four categories of horror stories.
